News & Information

See below for the most recent Postgraduate Medical Centre news.

Meetings for 2008
15th Nov 2007
Details of the news:
The PGMC and SIM Centre meeting dates for 2008 have been put onto the website. Some of the meetings later in the year do not have all of the details attached for them, but we thought you might like to have the dates for your diary.
As soon as further details are available, they will be posted on the website.
The Cambridge Surgical Travelling Fellowship
01st Jan 2008
Details of the news:
The Cambridge Travelling Fellowship aims to encourage and support Addenbrooke’s SpRs and Specialist Trainees to undergo a period of overseas research and training in their chosen speciality.
Applications are invited for grants from the Cambridge MRCS Charitable Fund established by              Mr R Miller, Clinical Director or Surgery at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. The fund will make a contribution to travel and accommodation expenses up to £2,000.
A condition of the award is that successful candidates will be required to submit a report within three months of their return outlining how their increased knowledge and experience will enhance training at Addenbrooke’s.  They will also be required to give an oral presentation at the surgical grand round.
/uploads/File/Surgical/Surgical Travelling Fellowship - appletter.pdf
TOP TIPS for Primary Care
01st Jan 2008
Details of the news:
Over that last year we have been asking out speakers to imagine this:
You are about to give a talk to a group of interested GPs. You were going to speak for 1 hour at an important international conference, but as bad luck would have it, you and a group of GPs have got stuck in the lift and your talk has been cancelled. However, you will be rescued in two minutes. Knowing what an interesting speaker you are and how passionately you feel about this area of your work, your colleagues plead with you to pass on some essential pearls of wisdom. What are your top tips in two minutes??!!!
These Top Tips will be avaialble for a year and can now be dowloaded by clicking into the Courses and Meetings tab and following the instructions. Alternatively, you may wish to type "Top Tips" into the search on the home page.
National Surveys of Trainees and Trainers Launched
29th Jan 2008
Details of the news:

National Surveys of Trainees and Trainers Launched

National Survey of Trainees


Trainees – don’t miss your chance to have a say on your training, by making sure you complete the National Survey of Trainees 2007/08.


If you’re in a PMETB-approved training post and you haven’t received an email invitation containing a unique Survey Access Code to complete the survey, please go to:  And follow the instructions there.


National Survey of Trainers


Trainers – have your views on postgraduate medical education heard by completing PMETB’s first ever National Survey of Trainers.


The survey was developed by a group that included deans and representatives from Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties.  The survey was piloted by researchers in Northern Deanery and NHS Education for Scotland.  It is the first survey of its kind to be undertaken on a UK-wide basis.  The results will be available on a new website in April 2008.


Consultants should receive an internal email with instructions detailing how to access the survey and a site specific password. This will come from the person nominated by the deanery to help with the survey at their location, for instance the Director of Medical Education. 


GP trainers will receive an email from .  


For more information on completing the survey, please go to:  

