Courses & Meetings

Over that last year we have been asking our speakers to imagine this:

You are about to give a talk to a group of interested GPs. You were going to speak for 1 hour at an important international conference, but as bad luck would have it, you and a group of GPs have got stuck in the lift and your talk has been cancelled. However, you will be rescued in two minutes. Knowing what an interesting speaker you are and how passionately you feel about this area of your work, your colleagues plead with you to pass on some essential pearls of wisdom.

What are your top tips in two minutes??!!! Here, gathered together, are their 'Top Tips' for 2009.

Addenbrookes PGMC provides top tips as educational aid to clinical practice based on published evidence. The ultimate judgement regarding a particular clinical problem lies with the clinician directly involved and in light of information presented by the patient and the options available. These guides are not meant to be prescriptive. 

Handouts for TOP TIPS

Aortic Aneurysms
Arthritus of the Hip
Bow Legs and Knock Knees
CFS Children - Debilitating Fatigue Without Another Cause
Child and Adolescent Depression
Chronic Kidney Disease
Communicating with Children Aged 5-12 Years in the Consultation
Constipation in Children
Cough in Children
Diabetes in Women of Productive Years
Diabetic Feet
Diet and Obesity
Dressings and Wound Care
Eczema Herpeticum
Emergencies at the End of Life
Erectile Dysfunction
Genital Herpes
HIV Infection
Joint Swelling in Children
Local Anaesthesia
Lung Cancer
Managing Sickness Absence
Mental Capacity Act, Information Sharing and Access to Information
Persistant Oral Ulcers; Oral Lesions and Oral Cancer
Pneumonia in Children
Red Eye
Renal Stones
Shoulder Pain (Rheumatologist Viewpoint)
Squints in children
Substance Misuse
Taking a family History
Unrinary Tract Infections
Watery and Sticky Eyes in the First Year of Life
What Makes This Child Worry Me